Saturday, March 23, 2013

PR in my half marathon today

Been bad at updating this - but I will follow up on how training went leading to the half marathon.  Set a new PR shaving almost 7 minutes off my time from last year in what were much harder conditions today.

Today's playlist during the half marathon - BPM increased with the Scooter track ...
Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus (Stargate Mix)
Laibach - Das Spiel Ist Aus
The Bravery - Hatef--k
Die Atwoord - $O$
Die Antwoord - Never Le Nkemise 2
Evil's Toy - Organics, I want to believe, A Girl Called Bitch, From Above Comes Sleep, Back on Earth, Transparent Frequencies
Aesthetic Perfection - A Nice Place to Visit, Celebrity Sun
Scooter - Move Your Ass!
Aesthetic Perfection - The Devil's in the Detail
Combichrist - Electrohead, Get Your Body Beat
Suicide Commando - Bind Torture Kill, Torment Me, Bleed for us all, Conspiracy with the Devil, Menschenfresser
Eisenfunk - Quattro Gti
Funker Vogt - Arising Hero (Faderhead Remix)

If you are looking for fast aggressive tunes to run too - check out from Scooter on - the first bunch were just getting me to a comfortable pace.