Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 35 - First 20 mile run ... done ...

I never did get to the Spinervals "sweating buckets" yesterday - had a 4 hour cub scout function and then various family stuff and then the Super Bowl hooked me in for the second half.  

My biggest run to date was today.  20 miler scheduled and at 31 degrees and ice on the ground I can't say I was stoked to hit the road.  Regardless - I set up my 10 mile nutrition and set up to do an out and back.  My coach wanted me to run a 10:40 pace for 10 miles and then run a negative split on the second half.  I can't settle into that pace - I tried and repeatedly settled into 9:40 so that is where I decided to sit for the first 10.  My coach also told me to run the first 10 with my arms below my waist - I did that and the run seemed effortless despite the wind.  Second half was harder but I did push the pace and my arms were much more involved.  

Miles 1-5 (9:40, 9:40, 9:31, 9:39, 9:45) 48:16
Miles 5-10 (9:23, 9:41, 9:36, 9:39, 9:31) 47:50  First 10 1:36:06
Miles 11-15 (8:42, 8:33, 8:43, 8:55, 8:32) 43:45
Miles 16-20 (8:18, 8:46, 8:57, 8:45, 8:27) 43:13 Negative split of 9 minutes

Spent 1:35 in my heart zone (the entire second 10 miles) and burned 4112 calories ...

I felt great the first 10 miles - started falling apart in mile 17 and had to use a lot of mind game stuff to try to keep a strong pace to the finish.  If nothing else this winter marathon training has shown me I can handle some severe weather and I will be able to run a much faster half marathon - I have to keep my goal for the marathon as just to finish and get a time goal out of my head because at this point I think that will be the deal breaker.

Having never run a marathon - right now my thought is to try to run a 9:20 through the first 10 - then try to take it to 8:45 for the next 10 and hopefully break down the wall and keep to 9:00 for the final 10k ... might be wishful thinking on my part but I want to go sub 4 hours badly.

Day off tomorrow - working on kids Pinewood cars ... derby is Saturday and the procrastinator I am we are still only 50% done ...

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